What led to you becoming a paediatric dentist?
I worked for five years as a general dentist across both public and private practices after graduation. Much of the paediatric patient base in the public sector had a very high burden of dental disease and access to private specialist care was limited.
Therefore, I treated many of these cases under nitrous oxide sedation and GA out of necessity – although often feeling out of my depth. This drove me to want to improve my skills and knowledge base, so I decided to go for broke (literally and figuratively!) and start my specialist training.
Where do you work currently?
I joined Canberra’s sole paediatric practice in mid-2022, where I’ve been fortunate to have incredible mentorship from my experienced colleagues. Although the sea of paperwork is overwhelming at times, I have enjoyed the fast pace of specialist private practice and feel privileged to care for a wonderful patient base.
What aspects of paediatric dentistry do you prefer?
I find the most rewarding aspect of paediatric dentistry is the opportunity to help turn around the experience of a dentally-anxious child – and even see them look forward to visiting the dentist! Clinically, I love the variety our profession provides and the hilarious one-liners some of our patients come out with often make my day.
What do you like doing outside of paediatric dentistry?
I love going on hikes, watercolour painting and baking. My husband and I recently welcomed twins so my current favourite pastime is soaking up all the newborn cuddles (x2!)
In an alternate universe, if you weren’t a paediatric dentist what would you liked to have pursued?
Floristry – to make a career out of being surrounded by beautiful flowers all day sounds like a dream.
Want to get in touch?
Reach out to Naomi at naomikottege19@gmail.com