Put your hands together as we celebrate the professional achievements of AAPD’s community of paediatric dental specialists.

Dr Mihiri Silva received The International Association of Dental Research Paediatric Oral Health Faculty Prize at the 2024 IADR General Session held in New Orleans in March.

The prize recognises general excellence in research related to paediatric oral health and was based on a presentation by Dr Silva titled “Barriers to optimal oral infant care: A qualitative study”.

The findings presented by Dr Silva in her lecture were derived  from her MRFF-funded project Infant2Child, which seeks to understand early-life influences on dental caries and integrate oral health into an existing statewide intervention program, INFANT.

The study was a collaboration between investigators from the University of Leeds, Deakin University, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and The University of Melbourne, including paediatric dentist Dr My-Van Trinh.

Dr Karen Kan receiving an award for the Pierre Fauchard Academy
