Dr Lloyd Hurrell
Josie was born April 2022, joining her older brother and sister in the Hurrell Family. All settling in well to a somewhat chaotic but exciting and happy time.

Dr Dan Andreasen-Cocker
Haddon (2) and Mawson (11 m), children of Dan Andreasen-Cocker finally enjoy a season of snow!

Dr Heshani Kellapatha
Heshani Kellapatha and her husband welcomed their daughter Arya on the 26th of September 2019 and son Kiaan on the 15th of July 2021

Dr Udit Bhatnagar
Riya, born to Dipika and Udit Bhatnagar. Now 18 months old, she loves swimming, reading books, toy cars and keeping her parents up at night!

Dr Jacqui Fechney
Huxley Coupland, born 18/06/21 recently turned one. Loves playing outdoors and terrorising our groodle Frankie.

Dr Tim Keys
This is Ellie Keys. She was born 29th October 2021. She has been a bucket load of fun for her older sister Charlotte and loves getting every illness from daycare!

Dr Rana Yawary
I’m Marwand and I’m 10 weeks old. I like smiling, getting my cheeks stroked and cuddles with Pashtana. I don’t like nasal congestion or having a bath without a flannel on my tummy. I’m trying to join in conversations!

Dr Steph De Souza
Looking back on it now, postgrad was such a chaotic time. When I first began, my eldest (Sofia) was only 5 months old. So I was navigating parenthood and postgrad together! But thanks to my incredibly supportive husband, we found a way to make it work and introduce our second little girl Lily Heitkonig on 19/11/2021 at Epworth Freemasons Hospital, Melbourne (1 week after my final exams, very grateful she didn’t decide to make an early appearance)

Dr Gabrielle Smart (Allen)
Dr Gabrielle Smart, husband Jimmy and now big brother Alby welcomed Olivia Joy to the family in mid-July. Coming a few weeks early Olivia narrowly avoided a shared birthday with big bro! Olivia is settling in well which has allowed Gabs to rather optimistically sit her fellowship and plan final details of her private practice hoping for a early/mid 2023 opening.

Dr Lydia Ng
Isaac Cheng Hao Lim joined the team on the 1st of August 2022. His sister Emelia loves sharing her toys and all the day-care bugs with him. He is a smiley wee thing but still learning to sleep!!

Dr Caitlin Agnew
We welcomed our second boy Benjamin in May 2022. Big brother Theo loves his new ‘baby’! We just love having him part of our family