What led to you becoming a paediatric dentist?
I was fortunate to have great paediatric dental mentors during my early training years as a house surgeon in New Zealand.
They helped to encourage and provide experience in treating children both under GA and in the clinic. I like the challenges and honesty that is required when working with children.
Where do you work currently?
I am currently completing my Clinical Fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. This is a fellowship focusing on managing cleft lip and palate patients, as well as general paediatric dentistry in the hospital setting.
Where do you see your future in paediatric dentistry?
My long-term goal is to be able to return to New Zealand and bring with me a wealth of best-practice clinical experience and an effective approach to dental care. I aim to apply the knowledge learnt overseas to the dental needs of children in New Zealand, who are seen in the tertiary health care system.
What aspects of paediatric dentistry do you prefer?
While I enjoy all areas of paediatric dentistry, I have developed a particular interest in managing cleft lip and palate disorders. I enjoy the collaborative approach required to achieve the best treatment outcomes of not only oral but overall health of the medically compromised patients treated in the hospital setting.
What do you like doing outside of paediatric dentistry?
I enjoy the great outdoors and hiking to remote locations. I also have developed a taste for excellent coffee after living in Melbourne for four years. And I enjoy going out for brunch.
In an alternate universe, if you weren’t a paediatric dentist what would you liked to have pursued?
In an alternative universe, I would like to have been a successful artist. Mind you, in this alternative universe I would have to have more artistic skill as well!
Want to get in touch?
Reach out to Olivia at dalzello@hotmail.com