Work is continuing with the development of the RACDS Specialist Training Programmes for Paediatric Dentistry (Special Care and Oral Medicine).

Mr Chris Little has been appointed as the Project Manager for the programme, allowing work to progress faster than previously.
Dr Hadleigh Clarke (Oral Medicine) is stepping up to help in the curriculum development but I have been told that the Paediatric Dentistry Curriculum development group is a collegial and articulate group who are way ahead in their remit and I personally would like to thank our academy members who have and are continuing to help with this.
The next step after curriculum is going to be conversations with the NZ Dental Council, refinement of selection and further work on handbooks and development of the other committees that are needed to make sure these programmes come to fruition.
In the coming months the RACDS will be arranging a further meeting with the Paediatric Dentistry Board of Studies to update them progress.
These members of our Board of Studies are also Academy members so will have further information after this meeting.
I understand that there are some AAPD members who do have concerns about this programme.
Please contact either me on or contact Kelly Oliver ( or Nicky Kilpatrick ( who are the AAPD representatives on the project Steering Committee if you have any questions or any suggestions.