Program at a glance
The scientific program, headed up by our international keynote speaker Professor Norbert Kraemer, covered a wide variety of topics. Speaker topics ranged from contemporary approaches in restorative dentistry to trans healthcare to stem cell technology.
Every speaker brought us a combination of science, real-life experiences and challenges. This culminated in an interactive session with the Clown Doctors, which highlighted contemporary non-pharmacological approaches to better support children.
This paved the way for a panel discussion on the potential future direction of pharmacological management techniques including sedation – which was particularly timely, given the difficulties we’re currently experiencing in access to GA. It was particularly interesting to hear from our colleagues in the US and Europe, as they grapple with similar issues.
Hearing from the next generation of paediatric dentists
I think the highlight of the conference for me was the opportunity to meet and hear from our younger colleagues. First, we were treated to three very different but equally thought provoking ‘contemporary controversies’ presentations as part of the Colgate Young Speaker Award.
Dr Anna Buckeridge was ultimately awarded first prize for her presentation titled ‘Registrar burnout in paediatric dentistry: affliction, or reality?’. Similarly, almost all our second- and third-year DCD students participated in a very slick 3-Minute-Thesis session. This session showcased the depth and breadth of research ongoing in our universities while also highlighting the public speaking skills and creativity of our young colleagues.
A social affair
It would be remiss of me not to mention the two social events, both of which were well attended and much enjoyed – as we have come to expect within the AAPD. The events were a wonderful opportunity to eat, drink and be merry with old friends for the first time in over three years.
During our social program we were also able to formally acknowledge one of our most respected colleagues, Professor Bernadette Drummond. Dr Peter Gregory presented Bernie with her Honorary Life Membership at the gala dinner.
Peter noted Bernie’s contributions to our specialty and to children’s oral health in both New Zealand and around the world – in addition to her personal courage, commitment and care over the years.
A clear aspiration within the AAPD
Reconnext 2023 reaffirmed for me that we all aspire to practice and promote high quality oral health for all children across our region. A goal that’s consistent from our most experienced members right through to our junior student members.
With the skills, talent and enthusiasm we shared in Melbourne, I think we can be confident that whilst still relatively small, the AAPD is in safe hands moving forward. And will continue to advocate for what is best for all children.
A heartfelt thank you
Thank you to all who joined us in Melbourne. Paediatric dentistry in Australasia evolves through strong professional connections and practitioners engaging meaningfully in research and new technologies.
We appreciate how busy our members are. So, thank you for helping our professional niche to keep evolving.
And a special thank you and acknowledgement to Dr Soni Stephen for the photographs and documenting our event!