International keynote speaker
Professor Norbert Kraemer
As we battle our way through what we hope is the last of the cold damp winter, I’d like to throw a piece of sunshine into your schedules by announcing that the next AAPD conference will be held from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th March 2023 in Melbourne.
The focus of this conference will, without doubt, be reconnecting. It has been way too long since we got together and shared experiences, updated our knowledge and enjoyed good food, wine and company.
We’re really fortunate to have been able to lock in Professor Norbert Kraemer from Germany as our keynote speaker who I know will not only inspire but also challenge us.
In addition to your fantastic executive; Anuj, Dan and Lydia; we’ve also recruited Camila Carrillo, Emma Branson, Maria Pandey and Rebecca Eggers to help bring what I really know will be a fantastic, fun and informative meeting.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in March. Please do not hesitate to contact me (president@aapd.org.au) if you have any questions but do look out for further information as we make it available.